Tuesday, April 4, 2017



#  1  > Is the Bible just a collection of myths and legends, or is it the inspired word of God? Many assume that modern scholarship has discredited the Bible, but that facts of history__and the discoveries of archaeology__confirm its contents to be true! The Bible recounts the past with amazing accuracy__and it predicts the future like no other book! Most of the world has been misled and misinformed about the Bible. You need to understand the truth__and how it can affect your life! 
Is the Bible really the inspired word of God? Was it accurately preserved for thousands of years as a unique revelation from the Creator of the universe? Or is it just a collection of humanly devised myths and fables? Do we even have the right books in the Bible, or are important sources missing that would change our view of God, Jesus Christ and Christianity? Can we trust Scripture? Is the Bible vital and relevant today?    

#  2  > Discovering the truth about the Bible could prove to be one of the most important and exciting adventures you have ever embarked upon. Although critics attack the Bible, and preachers ignore or gloss over many of its teachings, the Bible contains a dimension of knowledge that is almost totally missing from our modern world. The Bible reveals the true purpose of life. Bible prophecies not only foretold the rise and fall of ancient nations; they also explain the real significance of world events making headlines today and where those events are headlines. In spite of what millions have been led to believe, the Bible is much more than a pious devotional book or an incense-shrouded source of comfort for the troubled and bereaved!

3. Today, many educated people assume that science and modern scholarship have thoroughly discredited the Bible. This assumption thrives because so many know so little about the Bible. Many people today are simply unaware of discoveries that continue to confirm the historical accuracy of Scripture. Instead, people are encourage to believe that all religions are equally credible__or equally fanciful__without ever comparing the source-books of those religions. As a result, millions are unaware of how the Bible is unique, and what amazing features distinguish it from all other religious books. Before you accept the idea that the Bible is "just like any other book," you need to examine the evidence for yourself. That evidence is eye-opening and extremely informative, and it could change your life! You need to understand why so many today doubt the Bible's credibility, and what the truth about the Bible can mean to your future.

For thousands of years, Jews and Christians believed, and died for believing, that the Bible was the inspired word of an Almighty God. Down through the ages, antagonists and skeptics have challenged, attacked and ridiculed the Bible. Popes and pagan Roman emperors attempted to destroy Scripture, and even altered its words. Yet, during these same turbulent centuries, the Bible was carefully preserved and its message spread in remarkable ways!
The Bible is surely the most influential book ever written. it has been translated into more languages than any other piece of literature. More than two billion people alive today embrace, at least nominally, its teachings. Even so, many do not realize how profoundly the Bible has influenced the course of all Western civilization. Millions do not understand that biblical laws and teachings provided the basis for social values and legal systems throughout the Western world for centuries. Sir

5. - Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most brilliant minds of his century, remarked, "There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history." Britain's Queen Victoria said the Bible, "That book accounts for the supremacy of England." U.S. president Andrew Jackson stated, "That book, sir, is the rock on which our republic stands." U.S. president George Washington commented, "It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible." France's Napoleon observed, "The Bible is no mere book, but a living Creature, with a power that conquers all who oppose it" Yet much has changed since these statements were made. Today, Bibles can be found in far-flung corners of the globe. But in Western nations founded on biblical principles, there has been a steep decline in respect for the Bible. There is a pervading notion that the Bible is just another book, and that its teachings are a archaic, outdated and irrelevant to our modern lives. Many seriously doubt that God inspired Scripture. Millions who live in nations that once learned to read from the Bible, and sent Bible-toting missionaries around the world, cannot even name books in the Bible or explain basic biblical doctrines.

{ 6 }. - Surveys done in recent decades show that even many professing Christians have little real knowledge about the Bible. Coinage in the U.S. proclaims, "In God We Trust." Yet recent legislation and judicial decisions have made it illegal in the U.S. to display the Ten Commandments in public buildings, or for students to pray in school! What has produced such a profound shift in attitudes toward the Bible in the  very nations that once professed strong belief in Scripture? Why do millions now doubt that God inspired the Bible? Why are billions searching everywhere else for answers found clearly in the Bible? Why do people fail to recognize that the Bible contains prophecies clearly revealing the course of world history, and even the future of specific nations? Why have modern generations chosen to ignore a book that reveals essential details about the future and explains the way to peace and the ultimately purpose for human existence? Why has such vital information remained hidden from so many today?

Thursday, October 6, 2016


#  1  > Some two decades ago when communism ceased to be a relevant force, world leaders looked forward to a so-called new order. As James Hoge Jr., the editor of Foreign Affairs, stated, "Many observers foresaw a placid future with few challenges to approximate the hot and cold wars that had so scarred the twentieth century. Peace and prosperity were predicted" ( The World Ahead", November-December 2010 ). Just the opposite has actually happened! World peace has eluded us by a long shot, and we were eventually plunged into the worst recession, perhaps since the 1930s. What went wrong? Why are we witnessing what we now see afflicting this tragic world of ours? Is our plight strictly accidental ( void of cause and effect )__or is there some purpose and pattern behind current world affairs?

#  2  > Is there an unseen force that has been guiding and directing trends and events according to an ancient master plan set out well in advance of today's troubled age? 

The Western world past and present
As the world enters 2011, we are adapting to the new reality of the post-crisis era. At its roots, the crisis way a symptom of a broader dysfunction in our global, political, economic and social order. We are now paying, and continue to pay, for the sins of the past." It becomes a matter of far more than passing interest that our present plight should be so described in biblical terms by those heading up a popular American newsweekly with an international edition. According to the Bible, "Sin is lawless" ( 1  John  3:4 )__the violation of God's law exacts an inevitable penalty. Even nations pay that penalty!

#  3  > This Newsweek preface goes on to depict some of our specific economic sins: "Government have assumed massive debts to save the global financial system from total collapse. As a result, countries are now grappling with higher taxes, severe reductions in public goods and services, and dwindling investments in education and infrastructure. Public disillusionment in business and political leadership is dangerously high. Because of our continued tendency to put off problem resolution, to the detriment of our children and grandchildren, we may yet trigger a deep social and generational crisis. All these are the defining features of our new reality." The good Book simply say, "For the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children"
                                ( 2  CORINTHIANS  12:14 )

#  4  > The editor of the previous piece in Foreign Affair frankly stated, "The United States influence, diminished by the rise of other states and nonstate actors, will be fatally undercut if the country does not curb its unsustainable reliance on debt." 

Paradise lost in one morning
British author Robert Harvey described the scismic significance of 9/11 in terms of America's previously vaunted national security: "The sudden, tragically devastating spear thrust at the commercial and military heart of America by a handful of religious ( although techologically educated ) fanatics graphically demonstrated that the continental United States, for all of its two-ocean barriers from its tragedies and struggles in an era of mass communication, then it is from global economic shocks.

#  5  > Meanwhile, many nations in the world are entering the economic high ground America has held for so long. As columnist Roger Cohen wrote in the International Herald Tribune Magazine: "Although there's talk in the West of a new Age of Anxiety, the neurosis is in fact fairly narrowly confined. True, the unease lies in what is still by far the world's largest economy__the United States__and is shared by the European Union. The problems there__of soaring deficits, high unemployment, aging baby-boomers and sporadic anti-immigrant anger__and intractable. Excess has given way to distress...But the vast bulk of the world's population lives outside these enervated and overextended enclaves. For billions of human beings opportunity is expanding rather than contracting, if very unevenly"

#  6  > Stories about the economic emergence of China, India and Brazil fill our newspapers and newsmagazines. But more economic activity is taking place among other countries. For instance, the 540-mile border between Syria and Turkey was once pockmarked with some 60,000 land mines. Now $2 billion in mutual trade moves freely across this formerly hostile border. Turkey is increasingly labeled "the hub of Eurasia." During the last 10 years, trade between China and African nations has expanded from $10 billion to $100 billion. India and Peru have grown much closer as well. More and more South American nations are looking in the direction of Asia.

#  7  > Anew world economic and political order is taking shape. Noted columnist Philip Stephens of the Financial Times put it this way: "We are living through one of  history's swerves. A multipolar world has been long predicted, but has always seemed to be perched safely on the horizon. Now it has rushed quite suddenly into the present. Two centuries of western hegemony are coming to a close rather eariler than many had imagined." But why is the United States not a full participant in this new economic age?

 #  8  > America's decline foreseen in Scripture
The last book in the Bible, Revelation, was penned by the aged apostle John in the final decade of the first century, nearly 2,000 years ago. Yet the Bible remains the most up-to-date book available to our modern age. It reveals both the origins and the prophetic destiny of America and the British Commonwealth of nations, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand.  Far too many present-day Americans, Australians, Britons and Canadians have refused to acknowledge the true God and the bountiful, underserved blessings He has bestowed upon our nations. Instead many have chosen to deny the very existence of their Creator and have even accepted the false theory of evolution as well as secularism in general. Some have embraced a false version of Christianity__one generally void of obedience to God's spiritual laws.

#  9  > Many prefer to believe that the awesome blessings of national wealth and power came either by happenstance or are the results of their own efforts. Like their ancestors in ancient Israel, they have chosen and are currently choosing to ignore God's patient warnings in the Bible. The inevitable outcome of such persistent behavior has already been recorded in the pages of Scripture ( DEUTERONOMY  8:10__14 ).  Yet many biblical prophecies portray real repentance at the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. At that time Americans, Australians, Britons, Canadians, New Zealanders and South Africans will turn to God. But only after they have suffered severe crises worse in many ways than the catastrophes that befell the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The latter-day deliverance of the modern descendants of the patriarch Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, has been recorded in the major prophets of the Hebrews Bible.